The Freedom of my Thought!
My mind wanders. Flotsam – Impregnable, polluting, and ever enticing – floats nearby, pulling me inexorably toward the shores of my inevitability. Is there freedom in thought? I wonder?
Grains of truth and hope sparkle along the shoreline, clinging in shallow tide pools of awareness, even as the currents of my existence ebb and flow. Is my freedom of thought really free?
Away from these imponderable shores, I concern myself with futures. Wandering thoughts venture into mountains and Valleys of Uncertainties where contraindications often lead to the Cliffs of Lemmings located at the edge, the precipice of my known reality. If not careful I will morph into a herd-like mentality.
I do not wish to be distorted from the natural order of things. I do not chose to be persuaded, influenced or lulled into a condition contrary to who I am.
There are those who chose to subjugate my understanding and desire for a thing. Insiduous and unequivocally mind altering.
So I ask again. Are my thoughts truly free? And if not – I promise I will escape the shores of my Inevitability!
freedom of thought
the true sense of one’s worth
essential to life
Thanks for reading my entry into this weeks Haibun Thinking writing challenge. For more information click here.
~ Penny